Cooking/baking with kids is a great way for them to follow directions, learn many concepts, and maybe even try new tastes and textures. While getting all the material you need in order to make the recipe, ask your child(ren) to find things they are familiar with, whether it’s an ingredient or object you will need. Label what you need and what you are doing while you are cooking/baking. When possible, help them to touch/feel some of the ingredients, as well as, taste them. Many children are more motivated to taste things they are involved in making. When it’s finished, ask if they remember what they helped make. Remember, have fun, get messy, and praise your kiddos for helping out!

Words/sounds to include: bowl, cup, spoon, fork, knife, pot, pan, stir, mix, pour, dump, scoop, wet, dry, hot, cold, plop, roll, messy, wash, label numbers, label ingredients, oven, stove, refrigerator

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