Brushing teeth. When it comes to your baby, it’s easier said than done sometimes. The first question is, “When do I start?”. It is recommended to start when they begin to get teeth in. However, some children experience more pain with this process than others. How can we make this a pleasant, non-stressful experience for them(and for us!)?  The earlier you begin, the less stress and anxiety they will feel. This can be a great opportunity to sing some songs with them. It can be a song they like or one you make up about brushing teeth. Also, you can narrate the steps to the process. For example, “Let’s brush our teeth!”. “We get our toothbrush.” “Put on some toothpaste, SQUEEZE!”, “Turn on the water!” “Open up and brush, brush, brush!” Maybe show your child how you do it if they are anxious about what is happening. Try making some sounds along with the oral actions, such as “Ahhhh” when mouth is open wide, or “eeee” when smiling to brush fronts of teeth. Then you can describe the process of cleaning up as well. When they are old enough, this is a great time to practice using a dixie cup to take small sips from. This can be a fun way to incorporate sounds and words, as well as, a distraction for them if they are having difficulty tolerating the toothbrush. As they first begin to get teeth in, start with a finger toothbrush so they can get used to the feeling of it. It will also provide some stimulation to their gums and tongue. Then you can move to a toddler toothbrush when ready. You can find a set of each step in most stores that sell baby items. Remember, babies are supposed to be putting objects in their mouths as teeth are coming in(as long as it is appropriate).  Provide them with teethers or safe toys to mouth during this time. This not only gets them ready for foods, but also for speech!

Words/sounds to include: toothbrush, toothpaste, water, on, off, wet, brush, teeth, tongue, all clean/all done, wipe, squeeze, “eeee”, “ahhhhh”

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